The Book:
The Murder Rule by Dervla McTiernan
Published May 10, 2022 by William Morrow & Company
Date read: April 20, 2022
The Characters:
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The Plot (from Goodreads):
First Rule: Make them like you.
Second Rule: Make them need you.
Third Rule: Make them pay.
They think I’m a young, idealistic law student, that I’m passionate about reforming a corrupt and brutal system.
They think I’m working hard to impress them.
They think I’m here to save an innocent man on death row.
They’re wrong. I’m going to bury him.
The Review:
I don’t know what happened and why I didn’t write a review for this one sooner, because I know I loved it! I read it all the way back in April and just completely spaced on posting a review. In my defense, I was packing to move at the time, and I think it just got lost in the shuffle.
This was such a well-written legal thriller, with enough psychological aspects to really hold my interest. The pacing was spot-on, and I loved uncovering the truth with Hannah.
The whole Innocence Project case was so interesting to me. While it was a little far-fetched that a team newbie would be given so much responsibility so early on, the story was a fun ride with such a satisfying ending! I will certainly be watching out for more from Dervla McTiernan in the future.
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