Top Ten Tuesday | Books I Hope Santa Brings

This month, I’ve been trying out Top Ten Tuesdays hosted by Who doesn’t love a good list?! I hope you all have been enjoying them–let me know what you think in the comments! If you’ve never heard of Top Ten Tuesdays, basically Jana suggests a topic and participants make a list of ten titles that fit the theme. Go check out her page for more information!

Before we get started, I’m going to show off my book tree (and Charlie!) once again because I’m so proud of it:

charlie booktree

This week’s theme will very quickly turn into January’s TBR if my wishes come true…Read on for the Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings:

to tell you the truth gilly macmillan

1. To Tell You the Truth

Gilly MacMillan

confessions on the 7:45 lisa unger

2. Confessions on the 7:45

Lisa Unger

last flight julie clark

3. The Last Flight

Julie Clark

inconvenient woman stephanie buelens

4. An Inconvenient Woman

Stephanie Buelens

her perfect life rebecca taylor

5. Her Perfect Life

Rebecca Taylor

trophy wife sunday tomassetti

6. The Trophy Wife

Sunday Tomassetti

verity colleen hoover

7. Verity

Colleen Hoover

wrong family tarryn fisher

8. The Wrong Family

Tarryn Fisher

you should have known jean hanff korelitz

9. You Should Have Known Jean Hanff Korelitz

horrorstor grady hendrix

10. Horrorstor

Grady Hendrix

There you have it! What’s on your Christmas list? Do we have anything in common?

top ten tuesday santa
top ten tuesday santa
top ten tuesday santa
top ten tuesday santa

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