TTT – My Ten Most Recent Reads

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Check out all my past TTT posts here. Some highlights:

Such an easy topic, and yet difficult because I usually plan these posts ahead of time. Also I’m nowhere near caught up enough on reviews to have them posted yet for most of these. First world problems, I know! I’ll maybe come back and link reviews eventually as I post them. Or just forget, more likely.

April 21: Fade Into The Bright

This YA read was wildly heart wrenching but also hopeful at the same time. A must-read for teens coming to terms with life changing news. 

April 23: Anna K

This YA title was a little too young for me. I have its sequel Anna K Away on deck, though. 

April 24: When We’re Thirty

This book is the definition of the perfect friends-to-lovers rom-com!

April 25: The Boyfriend Project

I loved the female friendships built in this book. I wanted the catfisher to get more of what was coming to him, though!

April 27: The Siren

One of my favorite reads of April. A must-read summer thriller!

April 29: Save Me From Dangerous Men

I received this book’s sequel from BookSparks so needed to pick this one up first. Nikki Griffin is a new-to-me badass PI and also a bookstore owner!

April 30: Whisper Network

Part of my attempt to read some of my backlist. Loved this tale of women coming together to support each other in the workplace.

May 1: What You Never Knew

This NetGalley audio was an interesting semi-closed-room mystery.

May 2: One Got Away

The sequel to Save Me From Dangerous Men, Nikki is back with more action and less bookstore. 

May 4: You Love Me

This is the third You book. The first one was the best, but I was interested in where the author would take Joe next.

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  1. “Or just forget, more likely” Sounds like me haha!

    The Siren sounds like one I need to check out, and I love thrillers so What You Never Knew sounds good too!

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