The Plot (from Goodreads): During a weekend retreat, a powerful family plays a dangerous game of dark secrets and cold-blooded ambition in a novel by…
Kaira Rouda
Kaira Rouda | BENEATH THE SURFACE Spoilers
The Plot (from Goodreads): You are cordially invited to an overnight voyage on the Splendid Seas. An invitation to Catalina Island from billionaire CEO Richard Kingsley….
Kaira Rouda | Somebody’s Home
The Plot (from Goodreads): A quiet neighborhood. A lovely home. A promising new beginning. In a heartbeat everything can change in this propulsive novel of…
Kaira Rouda | The Favorite Daughter
The Book: The Favorite Daughter, by Kaira Rouda, 2019 The Characters: Jane and David Harris, their daughters Mary (who died before the book began) and…