Robyn Harding | Her Pretty Face

The Book: 

Her Pretty Face by Robyn Harding
Published July 10, 2018 by Gallery/Scout Press

The Characters: 

Frances, her best friend Kate, and Kate’s daughter Daisy

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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The Plot (from Goodreads):

Frances Metcalfe is struggling to stay afloat. A stay-at-home mom whose troubled son is her full-time job, she thought that the day he got accepted into the elite Forrester Academy would be the day she started living her life. Overweight, insecure, and lonely, she is desperate to fit into Forrester’s world, but after a disturbing incident at the school leads the other children and their families to ostracize the Metcalfes, she feels more alone than ever before–until she meets Kate Randolph. Kate is everything Frances is not: beautiful, wealthy, powerful, and confident. And for some reason, she’s not interested in being friends with any of the other Forrester moms—only Frances. As the two bond over their disdain of the Forrester snobs and the fierce love they have for their sons, a startling secret threatens to tear them apart.

Click here for book spoilers for Her Pretty Face
Book spoilers ahead–if you haven’t yet read Her Pretty Face, I suggest you turn back now.

The Twist:

All of my assumptions were wrong. Kate was Amber Kunik, the girlfriend of the man who had killed DJ’s sister. It came out during the trial that Amber wasn’t just another victim, but instead was the one who killed the girl without any pressure from the boyfriend. The boyfriend wasn’t even present when she did it.

Kate’s husband was her lawyer from the trial, which is why his family disowned him.

I thought David was DJ, but he was just some other random creep who had sought Daisy out. 

The Ending:

Daisy went to live with her father’s extended family. She got in touch with DJ and he became a kind of mentor to her.

The Review: 

This book reminded me a little bit of A Simple Favor by Darcey Bell. You’ve got a too-cool-for-school mom who befriends the frumpy mom, but a whole web of secrets begins to unravel as we learn more about both characters.

I don’t want to give spoilers, but I thought the “antagonist” was really well written. They gave me creepy vibes throughout the whole book, and I liked how their story unfolded. Francis, the main protagonist, was hard to relate to, but I’m beginning to realize that Robyn Harding loves to write “love-to-hate” characters. I usually like my thrillers to be fast-paced and plot-driven, but Her Pretty Face was slower and had a lot more character development. Overall, the way the story unfolded was very well done.

This mystery was a quick read, and was able to convincingly misdirect me as I tried to guess the twists.

her pretty face robyn harding

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