Audrey J Cole | MISSING IN FLIGHT Spoilers

The Book: 

Missing in Flight by Audrey J. Cole
Published March 1, 2025 by Thomas & Mercer
Date read: October 15, 2024

Find more March 2025 releases here.

Missing in Flight spoilers can be found below, but they’re hidden under a spoiler tag so you’re safe to keep scrolling if you’d just like to read my review.

The Characters: 

Makayla and her husband Jack
Their son Liam

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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The Plot (from Goodreads):

Rushing back to her seat, Makayla Rossi is relieved that all’s still quiet. But when she checks on her sleeping baby, relief morphs into fear. The bassinet is empty.

Liam is gone.

It was a long flight from Anchorage to New York, and with every flight attendant busy, Makayla reluctantly ran to the restroom, asking a seat neighbor to watch her son. She stepped away for just a few minutes. Yet at thirty thousand feet, he still vanished.

Passengers and crew scour the plane to no avail, and since no one recalls seeing her with a baby, suspicions begin to mount about Makayla’s mental state. She’s certain this is nothing like her mother’s on-air memory meltdown. If only Jack, her husband, were there. He would believe her. A high-profile banker featured in Forbes, maybe he could even help.

But Makayla is squarely on her own. And she’ll have to think fast in order to find her son—before it’s too late.

Missing in Flight Spoilers

Click here for MISSING IN FLIGHT spoilers
Book spoilers ahead–if you haven’t yet read Missing in Flight, I suggest you turn back now.

The Reveal:

Liam had been kidnapped for ransom due to Jack’s profile in Forbes. “Jemma” and “Chad”, the couple with the dog carrier, were the culprits. There was only a small pretend dog in the carrier, and they had parachutes and a baby carrier in their carry on. (Can one bring a parachute in their carry on? That seems like a red flag that they’re going to do something bad on their flight.) Somehow the flight attendant didn’t see Liam in the dog carrier during her checks, and didn’t question the parachutes or baby Bjorn the couple had.

Both were flying on stolen identities. “Jemma” thought she was going to lose her job due to a malpractice suit and the hospital where she worked, and her boyfriend “Chad” had just been released from prison.

“Jemma” and “Chad” had a third accomplice who broke into Jack’s apartment to demand he transfer ten million dollars from each of his top five clients to a Hong Kong bank account. This accomplice killed Sabrina (Jack’s coworker who was trying to sleep with him) in the process.

Makayla’s memory was fine. Anna the copilot had nothing to do with it either; her secret was that she was planning on cheating on her husband on her layover.

“Jemma” and “Chad” had drugged Liam with a dose of morphine in a fake pacifier after bumping into Makayla. If Jack had transferred the money in time, they planned to leave him in the carrier for the flight crew to find after the plane landed.
They cut a hole in the lavatory wall to make their escape. They had brought a 6″ blade in one suitcase and a saw disguised as an electric shaver in the other. Derek the flight attendant fell out of the hole trying to save Liam.

The Ending:

“Jemma” hit a tree on her descent and died. “Chad” parachuted down successfully with Liam, and the FBI apprehended him in the Finger Lakes area. Liam was drugged but alive in their getaway car. The FBI arrested both Chad and the man who broke into Jack’s house.

Jack quit his job and moved his family up to Anchorage for a quieter life. His boss Lionel was arrested for fraud.

I hope these Missing in Flight spoilers were helpful.

The Review: 

I always reach for a plane-related thriller when I travel!

Missing in Flight is a kidnapping thriller set on an airplane–the ultimate locked-room setting. I was certainly intrigued by the premise and eager to find out what happened to Liam. A lot of suspension of belief is required, but it’s an entertaining read. A bit slow at first, it picks up in the second half with nonstop action. While this book does fall into the trap of “no one believes the woman with questionable mental health history”, Makayla is adamant about standing up for herself and what she knows is true.

This is my first book by this author, and I’m interested to see what else she has on her backlist.

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