Pyae Moe Thet War | I DID SOMETHING BAD Spoilers

The Book: 

I Did Something Bad by Pyae Moe Thet War
Published October 8, 2024 by St. Martin’s Griffin
Date read: September 25, 2024

Find more October 2024 releases here.

I Did Something Bad spoilers can be found below, but they’re hidden under a spoiler tag so you’re safe to keep scrolling if you’d just like to read my review.

The Characters: 

Khin and Tyler

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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The Plot (from Goodreads):

When freelance journalist Khin Hlaing is assigned by Vogue to get a scoop on Tyler Tun, Hollywood’s hottest movie star who has returned home to Myanmar to shoot a film, she’s determined to succeed. If Khin’s able to get an explosive exclusive, there may well be a permanent position waiting for her at Vogue Singapore, and a ticket out of the city that’s felt too small since her recent divorce.

Tyler has done his very best to keep his private life private, and he doesn’t show any sign of letting down his walls for Khin. But then one night on set, a strange man follows Khin into the surrounding park grounds. When he threatens her, Tyler steps in and things escalate fast. Khin knows they can’t go to the police, even if it was self defense. And when she learns that this man seems to have targeted her specifically, she needs to do everything she can to find out why.

As Khin and Tyler work together to hide their secret and find out more about her attacker, they grow closer and Tyler finally starts opening up. The job at Vogue suddenly looks more promising, but Khin can’t help feel a twang of uncomfortable morality-related guilt. Before long, everything hangs in the balance. Will they get away with murder? Can Khin get the exposé she needs for her dream job? And is she willing to risk Tyler’s trust in the process?

I Did Something Bad Spoilers

Click here for I DID SOMETHING BAD spoilers
Book spoilers ahead–if you haven’t yet read I Did Something Bad, I suggest you turn back now.

The Reveal:

As mentioned in the description, Khin stabbed a man who assaulted her in a park. Tyler stepped in and helped her toss the body into the water. The next day the man’s body washed up on the shore.

As the police investigate, they give Khin a hard time. Not because they knew she was guilty, but because she had written a story about Myanmar’s only abortion clinic and was publically helping women obtain safe abortions, which are illegal in Myanmar. Eventually the cops find the dead man’s phone and see that it is filled with pictures of Khin.

Khin and Tyler investigate on their own and track down the dead man’s ex. Eventually she calls Khin and admits that she was the reason he was stalking Khin: the ex-girlfriend had used Khin’s help to get an abortion.

Khin overhears the producer telling Tyler and May that the show may get canceled due to the police investigation, and she decides to confess. She goes to a friend at the Australian embassy, but before she can confess, the friend tells her that the man died of a heart attack. Yes Khin had stabbed him and threw him in the pond, but that wasn’t the cause of death.

The Ending:

Khin and Tyler’s third-act breakup occurs because Tyler find’s Khin’s corkboard of how she was plotting her story, before she decided not to write anything too revealing about him. Eventually they talk it out and get back together.

I hope these I Did Something Bad spoilers were helpful.

The Review: 

I love the trend of adding a little murder and mystery to rom-coms. It meshes my two favorite genres, and the outcomes are always a lot of fun!

I enjoyed Khin and Tyler’s slow-burn forbidden romance. Although from two totally different worlds, they complimented each other well. I liked that Tyler treated Khin as his equal and wanted to get to know her too, instead of their business arrangement being all one way.

The murder cover-up required some significant suspension of belief, but added some interesting suspense to the story and the relationship between the main characters. It’s far-fetched in a fun way, and the way the situation resolves is a relief.

War’s next book looks so much fun, and I’m excited to read her work again in the future.

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